Colorful Buddha Bowl with quinoa
You see them more and more these days: colorful bowls full of goodness. These are called Buddha Bowls, and they’re delicious as lunch or dinner. You can put as many nutritious ingredients into these bowls as you like. Buddha Bowls are often made with rice or couscous, but we made this dish with quinoa!
The 'rules’ are very simple: put as many colors in one bowl - we aim for at least 5 different ingredients and with different colors. An overflowing bowl is good, even encouraged! They’re called Buddha Bowls because the delicious contents stick out of the bowl, just like the belly of Buddha.
50g of pre-cooked quinoa
1 pepper
Half a carrot, julienned
1 zucchini, spiralized
A large handful of cherry tomatoes
2 tablespoons of spicy hummus

this recipe is for 1 person
1) Prepare all of the ingredients. In a hurry? In the supermarket you can often find pre-sliced carrot and zucchini spaghetti. Very handy!
2) Put all ingredients and two spoons on top in a bowl and keep everything separated, until you are ready to eat. It looks nice to serve the bowl without the ingredients being mixed up. When it’s time to eat, mix everything together. The hummus is used to give a nice flavor to the salad.
TIP: There is endless variety with these bowls, so you can add or take away ingredients to your liking. Use some sweet potatoe or tempeh for example.