Sweet potato stew with quinoa
Baby, it’s cold outside… Also craving a wintery dish? There’s a lot of healthy vegetables in this vegetarian stew and because there’s no meat, your don’t have to spend hours in the kitchen!
150 gram quinoa
2 red onions
2 cloves garlic
1 chili pepper
4 sweet potatoes
2 yellow beetroots
1 eggplant
150 gram feta cheese
3 spring onions
2 teaspoons garam massala
1 teaspoon kurkuma
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon paprika
2 cans tomato paste
1 can diced tomatoes

this recipe is for 6 people
1) Cook the quinoa according to the package description.
2) Finely cut the onion, the garlic and the chili pepper. Snijd de ui, knoflook en chilipeper fijn. Skin the yellow beetroots and cut the beetroot, the sweet potato and the eggplant in bigger pieces.
3) Heat up some olive oil in a pan and fodder the onion, the garlic and the chili pepper for 2 minutes.
4) Add the sweet potato and fry for 3 minutes. Add the beetroot, the eggplant and the spices, fry for 6 more minutes and stir well. Add some extra olive oil if necessary.
5) Add the tomato paste and the diced tomato to the stew. Cook gently for 10 minutes.
6) Cut the spring onion and crumble the feta cheese. Serve the stew with quinoa, the spring onion and the feta.