Coconut Bliss Balls with puffed quinoa
Do you often sneak in a cookies or two between meals? Then these bliss balls are just for you. A healthy twist for your sweet tooth. Easy to take along and you won’t even need a frying pan!
200 grams assorted unroasted nuts
50 grams dates
150 grams dried apricots
2 tablespoons raw cocoa
120 grams quinoa puffs
1 tablespoon chia seeds
60 ml coconut oil
2 handfuls of coconut grater
Food processor
The recipe is for 15-20 snacks.
1) Stone the dates and soak them in water for 15 minutes along with the apricots.
2) Put the rest of the ingredients in a food processor and mix until it’s a thickened preparation. Add the fruit and blend a little more. Remove the knife from the food processor, stir the mix with a spatula and let it rest for a while.
3) Put a little coconut grater on a flat surface. Use your hands to roll the fruit mix into small balls and move them through the grater until they’re fully covered with it.
4) To firm them up, leave the balls covered in the fridge for 1 hour. Want to save them for later? These Bliss Balls can be put in the freezer as well!